Monday, July 10, 2023

The Business Of Election Manipulation in Seattle


The Seattle school board primary elections should be a chance for voters in each director district to decide which candidate they think would best serve their community's needs, but in Seattle this is not the case. Whether it's unions, media outlets or political groups wielding their influence and agenda, voters get marinated in election meddling.  

One media outlet goes so far as to call their effort, “The Election Control Board” and the scary thing is they really mean it.  It’s also clear that these so called endorsements in many cases are not well thought out or possibly simply purchased by the supporters via a PAC. Oh and many of the past endorsed candidate’s performance once elected don't live up to those shinny endorsements.  

So you might want to think good and hard before taking the endorsement bait.

1 comment:

  1. I've always questioned why the school board general elections are city wide. City wide means the second place primary candidate can win the seat even if the 1st place primary candidate receives 100% of the director district votes. And I think you're right ,the amount of meddling and out of district contributions is ludicrous.
