Tuesday, July 18, 2023

My Meeting With The Alliance For Gun Responsibility



Hello Michael Christophersen,
Thank you for registering for Alliance Candidate Training - Evening Session.

The event was basically about giving anti-gun talking points to political candidates. They had some polished slides with basic common sense statements.

My main reason for my attendance was to hopefully to gain some understanding for the reason for the major loop hole  in  HB 1240. 

After some pressing one of the organizers wrote in chat that "something is better than nothing" and HB 1240 might not passed if it "KILLED JOBS" 

To that I wrote back that it semms the sponsors of the bill 1240 cared more about not killing jobs than not killing children in other states? At that point he stop responding. 

The host then went on with talking points for schools especially around safe storage. They seem to make it sound like it was easier to buy a gun in Seattle than fentanyl.

I stated that in Seattle we have a weapons ban, a 10 days waiting period and FBI and local law enforcement back ground check plus both a required safety training law and safe storage laws. So short of gun confiscation what I'm I suppose to say to parents?  

At this point they killed the meeting. 



From 2015 election


 2015 Seattle Times choice

Friday, July 14, 2023

Man fatally shot in Seattle’s Bitter Lake neighborhood


 Well another murder on Aurora, 125th to exact only a few blocks from Ingraham high school.


Monday, July 10, 2023

The Business Of Election Manipulation in Seattle


The Seattle school board primary elections should be a chance for voters in each director district to decide which candidate they think would best serve their community's needs, but in Seattle this is not the case. Whether it's unions, media outlets or political groups wielding their influence and agenda, voters get marinated in election meddling.  

One media outlet goes so far as to call their effort, “The Election Control Board” and the scary thing is they really mean it.  It’s also clear that these so called endorsements in many cases are not well thought out or possibly simply purchased by the supporters via a PAC. Oh and many of the past endorsed candidate’s performance once elected don't live up to those shinny endorsements.  

So you might want to think good and hard before taking the endorsement bait.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

McKinney Dad Sues School District for Banning Him From His Kids’ Campuses




"Samuel Hall’s attorney Janelle Davis says they hope to give courage to other parents to stand up to abuses of power by school districts."

"A McKinney dad who was banned from school property after publicly criticizing local school district officials is suing the district for keeping him away from his kids’ on-campus activities for an entire school year. The district did this by issuing a criminal trespass citation that was recently ruled invalid."


Thursday, July 6, 2023

Why Is The Seattle Public Schools Using SAP?

 SPS has spent millions of tax dollars ($12m estimation) on SAP a software package it doesn't need. What exactly are they doing with SAP? 

BTA V: Approval of Staff Augmentation vendors’ contract amendments for SAP platform maintenance and support for a total of $1,250,000 over FY24.

For $1,250,000 SPS could fund many more important efforts.   
