Friday, May 19, 2023

Safety Concerns Linger at Ingraham High


"On Nov. 8, 17-year-old Ebenezer Haile was shot by another student in a school hallway. The next day, Jones announced a new safety initiative: Seattle Public Schools would assemble a community action team of school, police, city and community leaders to assess how safety can be improved at schools and surrounding neighborhoods. 

To address mental health, a child wellness team made up of psychologists, counselors, pediatricians and social workers would be launched. Jones also said the district would conduct an audit of safety plans at Ingraham and safety reviews of the district’s 106 schools.

The district says it has accomplished all of those tasks. But Friends of Ingraham, a nonprofit group led by Ingraham High parents, has sent three letters to the district asking for more information.

The group asked for the outcome of the audit, what safety policies and procedures have been changed as a result, and whether policies and procedures leading up to the shooting and following the shooting were followed.

The parent group had a discussion with Jones set up in March, but it was delayed, said Kathleen Zagers, co-president of Friends of Ingraham. A meeting is set for this week."

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